Attributes of Allah's essence (صفات ذاتية)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Essential Attributes related to Allah's essence, which are everlasting and eternal; and are not related to His Will and Choice.
الشرح المختصر :
"As-Sifaat Adh-Dhaatiyyah" (Attributes of essence): are inseparable attributes of Allah, with which He has always been and will always be characterized. It is defined as following: they are inseparable attributes from the essence they describe. They are of two types: 1. Abstract attributes: i.e. Allah's Life, Knowledge, and Power. 2. Revelation-based attributes: i.e. Allah's two hands, His face, His two eyes and the likes. In other words, they are called body parts and organs, according to human body.