Gloating/Malicious satisfaction (شَماتَةٌ)
التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Gloating over the harm or damage that befalls others.
الشرح المختصر :
"Shamātah" (malicious satisfaction) is a blameworthy trait found in someone who lacks friendliness, affection, and empathy, and who is filled with hatred, envy, and grudge instead. One feels others" pain if he loves them and wishes them good. However, gloating over others" sadness and misfortunes is out of nothing but hatred. Evil consequences of "Shamātah": 1. The one gloating over others" misfortunes could be afflicted with the same misfortune. 2. Rebuking someone by pointing out his sin is worse than committing the sin. 3. It has a negative effect upon the individual and society because it breeds hatred, envy, and enmity. 4. It causes enmity, hatred, resentment, and hardness of the heart.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Shamātah": gloating over the enemy"s misfortune, the enemy"s delight in general. "Shāmit": the one who gloats over others" misfortunes. "Shawāmit": calamities, because they please the enemy. "Tashmeet": supplicating for someone to be protected from "shamātah". Other meanings: disappointment.