Hārithiyyah (A Kharijite sect) (حارثية)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
A sect from the Ibadi Kharijites named after Al-Hārith ibn Yazeed al-Ibādi.
الشرح المختصر :
The "Hārithiyyah" is a sect from the Ibādi Kharijites. They are followers of Al-Hārith ibn Yazeed al-Ibādi who dissociated himself from ‘Abdullah ibn Ibād. Beliefs and thoughts of the "Hārithiyyah": 1. Adopting the Mu‘tazilites" methodology regarding the divine fate, thus claiming that people create their own actions, and that Allah has not predetermined anything. 2. Affirming ability to precede action. 3. Affirming a type of obedience that is not devoted to Allah the Almighty. 4. Claiming that their Muslim opponents are disbelievers but not polytheists, whose marriage and inheritance is lawful, and whose booty is a lawful gain. All of the "Ibādiyyah" consider the "Hārithiyyah" disbelievers, and they dissociate themselves from them because of these beliefs.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
""Al-Hārithiyyah"": a sect named after the man they followed who was called Al-Hārith ibn Yazeed.