Jaahizhiyyah (جاحظية)

Jaahizhiyyah (جاحظية)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

One of the sects of the Mu`tazilites, attributed to `Amr ibn Bahr Al-Jaahizh, who negate the divine attributes and the predestination, also they held that the slave creates its actions.

الشرح المختصر :

"Jaahizhiyyah" (follwers of Jaahizh) is one of the sects of Mu`tazilah that is attributed to Al-Jaahizh. He is Abu `Uthmaan `Amr ibn Bahr Al-Jaahizh, a scholastic theologian and man of letters. He was the student of Abu Is'haaq Ibrahim ibn Sayyaar. He lacked religiosity, and he died in 255 A.H. Some of the beliefs of "Jaahizhiyyah": 1. Negating the Divine Attributes. 2. Negating destiny and believing that man creates his own actions. 3. All knowledge is essential and does not depend on man's choice and he is not ordered to attain it. Whoever knows something knows it by nature and not by learning or by Allah's creating knowledge for him. 4. Claiming that Allah does not admit anyone into Hell; rather, it is Hell that attracts people to it. 5. Claiming that all creatures acknowledge Allah as their Creator and admit their need for the Prophet, and they are classified into two types: someone who has knowledge of monotheism and someone who is ignorant of it, and the latter is excused for his ignorance. 6. Claiming that the Qur’an has a body that could turn into a man one time or into an animal another time.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Jaahizhiyyah": a noun formed from "Jaahizh". It is the name of a religious sect who were called as such because they followed a man called "Al-Jaahizh". "Jihaazh": protrusion of the eyeball outwards.