Overburdening oneself/Artificiality (تَكَلُّـفٌ)
أصول الفقه التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Engaging in words, deeds, or beliefs which are neither obligatory nor recommended.
الشرح المختصر :
"Takalluf" is a dispraised characteristic which is going beyond what is required and engaging in what is not required. It has two types: 1. Praiseworthy "takalluf": which is diligence in obligations and recommended acts so that they become easy for him, and start loving them; i.e. when one excessively troubles and overburdens oneself to acquire knowledge or properly recite the Quran; until they become accustomed to it; 2. Blameworthy "takalluf": which is preoccupying oneself with words, actions, or beliefs which are neither obligatory nor desirable. Forms of "takalluf": 1. extremism in acts of worship and interaction in such a way that leads to excessive hardship, such as unnaturally affectation in serving guests; 2. innovation in religion; 3. speaking in a facticious manner by using artificial words to affect people and attract them towards himself without any need; 4. engaging in unnecessary discourse which is not of one's concern; asking improper questions; and excessive pursuit of useless things. The harms of dispraised "takalluf": 1. it is a cause of ostentation and abstention from what is right; 2. it displeases Allah and leads to Hell; 3. it causes one to be detested by Allah and by the people; 4. it causes hardship and difficulties for oneself and produces a sense of psychological anxiety and instability; 5. the affectatious person would soon sease to continue the artificial act.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Takalluf": to take upon oneself something with hardship. "Takleef": to burden someone with something that involves hardship. "Kulfah": hardship. "Takalluf" refers to the superficial demonstration of something. Anyone who exhibits a characteristic which is not in him is a "mutakallif". The word "takalluf" derives from "kalaf", i.e. a strong attachment to and love of something. "Takalluf" also refers to a person's curiosity and engagement in matters of concern. Other meanings: taking risk, artificiality, saturation, rigorism, and extremism.