Contemplation/Reflection (تَفَكُّـرٌ)
التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Mental speculation and activating the mind in pursuit of valid knowledge.
الشرح المختصر :
"Tafakkur" is one of the greatest spiritual acts of worship. It is the basis of all good and prosperity in this world and the hereafter, and the key to enlightenment and the basis of knowledge and sciences. "Tafakkur" comprises reflection on the interests of the hereafter and the ways to achieve them, and on repelling the dangers of the hereafter and avoiding their paths. It also comprises reflection on the interests of this world and the ways to achieve them and on the detriments of this world and how to avoid them. The greatest category of "tafakkur" is reflection on the benefits of the hereafter, such as reflection on Allah’s signs, both the revealed and natural ones, and the valid ways of achieving it. The fruits of "tafakkur": 1. It increases bashfulness and shyness. 2. It is a path that leads to Allah’s pleasure and love 3. It produces love, knowledge, and interest in the hereafter and abstinence from the worldly joys; 4. It leads to spiritual happiness and tranquility 5. It causes fear, apprehension, and reverence of Allah the Most High 6. It brings about wisdom and enlivens the spirit 7. Acquiring admonition and lessons from the stories of the people of the past 8. It is a major intellectual asset that leads to the awakening of individuals and advancement of the nations.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Tafakkur" (also "tafkīr"): reflection, activating the mind. In its basic sense, it is frequently thinking about something. Other meanings: persistent staring, want, and care.