Clarification (تَبْيِينٌ)
الثقافة والدعوة
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Clarifying the intended meaning with the best wording.
الشرح المختصر :
"Tabyeen" is the occupation of the knowledge bearers of this Ummah. It includes making religion comprehensible to people, by teaching them its commandments and prohibitions, the divine promises and threats, what is lawful and what is unlawful, giving the believers the glad tidings of entering Paradise and enjoying divine bliss, and warning the disobedient ones and threatening them with punishment and warning them of the consequences of deviating from the straight path and following personal desires. "Tabyeen" is divided into two categories: 1. From Allah to His slaves in His books that He sent down to His messengers and prophets. 2. From certain people to others, and this is general including the messengers and prophets as well as the scholars. Some of the fruits of "tabyeen": 1. Helps the callers to Allah to carry out their mission. 2. Refutes the argument of the stubborn ones who claim the ambiguity of the proofs of the truth. 3. From the beneficial means that make the call to Allah succeed and lead to the spread of Islam among the Arabs and non-Arabs. 4. It is the method of the Qur'an, the prophets, and the messengers.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Tabyeen": revealing, clarifying. "Bayyin" and "mubeen": clear. Opposite: "kitmaan" and "ikhfaa" (concealing). "Bayaan": eloquence. "Tabyeen" is derived from "bayn", which means remoteness and separation. "Mubaayanah": parting (with). Other linguistic meanings of "Tabyeen": making something understood, interpreting, detailing, explaining, manifesting, separating, distinguishing.