Separation/Break-up (تقاطع)
التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Separation between two persons or more as a result of enmity, etc.
الشرح المختصر :
''Taqaatu`'' means that people avoid each other and stop meeting and communicating. However, Islam preaches maintaining good relations, and forbids severing them. Separation first occurs in opinions and beliefs, then in statements and then in bodies. Separation is divided into: 1. Separation for the sake of religion: such as abandoning advocates of religious innovations and immorality. This kind of separation is permissible under certain conditions and relation could be resumed only after repenting of these things. 2. Separation for the sake of one's self or for a worldly purpose: it is allowed for only three days. Causes of separation are so many, some of which are: argument and dispute, competing for worldly gains, grudge, envy, much joking, sarcasm, insulting, calling names, etc.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
''Taqaatu`'': separation. It comes from "qat`", i.e. cutting off. Other meanings: abandonment, dissension, split-up. Opposite: "tawaasul" (communication).