Disavowal/Disassociation from polytheism (براءة من الشرك)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
To distance oneself from something while having feelings of hatred and enmity towards it.
الشرح المختصر :
"Baraa’ah" (disavowal/disassociation) from polytheism and those who adopt it is a fundamental of the Oneness of divinity and one of the two pillars of the Testimony of Faith (La Ilaaha illa Allah [there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah]). Indeed, the basis of faith is for a person to love the people of "Tawheed" (pure monotheism), who are the Prophets of Allah and those who follow their religion, and take them as allies and hate polytheism along with its people and disassociate himself from them. "Baraa’ah" is of two types: 1.General, absolute "Baraa’ah": Disassociation from polytheism and disbelief as well as the polytheists and disbelievers. 2. Specific, restricted "Baraa’ah": Disassociation from a defiantly disobedient Muslim who commits sins or religious innovations. This person combines both good and bad qualities and both Sunnah and "Bid‘ah" (religious innovations). Thus, Muslims should take him as an ally in proportion to his goodness and disassociate from him in proportion to his evil acts.