Selecting the best (اصطفاء)

Selecting the best (اصطفاء)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Selecting something and giving it precedence over something else.

الشرح المختصر :

"Istifaa’" (selecting the best) is the selection and preference by Allah Almighty of something over another, due to the benefits that lie therein, like the preference of some people over others and preference of Islam over other religions. It is a selection based on perfect knowledge and wisdom and is void of any injustice. "Istifaa' " is also one of the ranks of religion and one of the meanings of Ruboobiyyah (Lordship), which means arranging the affairs of the creation in a way that befits their condition, for the Lord knows what lies in the hearts of people and their eligibility to be selected and preferred. This selection is being made according to divine wisdom of Allah Almighty, not only for apparent benefits of the creatures. "Istifaa’" is of two types: 1. Special "istifaa’": selecting the ones to receive revelation, which is exclusively to prophets and messengers. Allah Almighty chose His prophets and messengers and singled them out for honor and message based on their praiseworthy characteristics and sound deeds. Selection here varies from one prophet or messenger to another, as Allah chose some to be honored by His direct speech and chose others to be honored by His special love, in addition to other forms of selection. 2. General "istifaa’": like the selection of Maryam (Mary), peace be upon her, where the angels spoke to her and Allah granted her ‘Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, without a father and made them a miracle for all peoples. Another example is the selection of the Companions for the companionship of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, and the selection of scholars to carry and convey sound knowledge. There is also the selection of the believers to be honored by monotheism (belief in the Oneness of Allah). The believers are of three types: The believer who has wronged himself, and this is the believer who mixes bad deeds with good ones; the moderate believer who performs obligations and abstains from prohibitions but does not increase voluntary deeds, and the believer who is foremost in good deeds. "Istifaa’" among people is partly acquired due to one's condition, characteristics and actions and partly endowed by the Favor of Allah and granting His slave success. The ultimate purpose of "istifaa’" is the conveyance of the laws and religion of Allah and the realization of His divinity and worship on Earth.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Istifaa’": choosing, selecting; derived from "safw" (purity, unblemishness). "Mustafoon": the chosen, the best. The "safwah" of something is what is pure thereof. "Istifaa’" also means extracting and purifying. Other meanings: preferring, giving preponderance (to).