Conceit due to worship (إِدْلالٌ)
التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Having self-conceit, and admiring one's acts of obedience, while forgetting to show gratitude to Allah, and expecting to receive reward from Him.
الشرح المختصر :
"Idlāl" (conceit) is one of the bad morals and ugly traits. It is one of the means that lead to arrogance. It is when someone offers acts of obedience to Allah, then believes that he has a right upon Allah, while considering his action or statement to be something great. This is accompanied by forgetting to be thankful to Allah for His blessing, and expecting proudly ample reward for his deeds. This is "idlāl" with regard to actions, because one expects the rejection of the disobedient person's supplication, and does not expect his supplication to be rejected. Evil aspects of "idlāl": 1. One becomes arrogant. 2. Rendering one's good deeds worthless. 3. Causing one to forget his sins, and feel safe of Allah's plan. 4. Acquiring vanity and self-admiration. Some of the means that lead to "idlāl" are: ignorance, lack of piety, following one's desires, failure to call oneself to account, lack of religious prudence, etc.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Idlāl": boldness. Other meanings: pride, reminding others of one's favors, delight, trust.