The “shar‘i” will (إرادَةٌ شَرْعِيَّةٌ)

The “shar‘i” will (إرادَةٌ شَرْعِيَّةٌ)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

The Will of Allah that is accompanied by love and pleasure of the Almighty Allah.

الشرح المختصر :

One of the fundamental principles held by “Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa‘ah” is the affirmation of the attribute of the ‘will’ for Allah, the Almighty. The divine will is of two types: “shar‘i” will and cosmic will. 1. The “shar‘i” will: it is derived from “shar‘i”, which is the religion of Allah and the path leading to Him, and it is rooted in the boundless knowledge of Allah and His love for and pleasure with the intended thing. This is called the religious will, an example of which is the performance of prayer. Allah, the Almighty, wills that His servants offer the prayer, and He loves that. This type of will does not necessitate the occurrence of the intended thing, unless it relies on the cosmic will. This “will” clearly indicates that Allah, the Almighty, does not love misdeeds, sins, misguidance, or disbelief and does not command His servants to engage in any of them or approve this on their part – though He wills that these things exist in terms of creation and worldly existence. 2. The cosmic will: it pertains to creation and worldly existence, which stems from the ultimate power of Allah, the Almighty. It is the inclusive will and boundless might of our Lord, which no one can escape. This will has nothing to do with love or pleasure. Rather, it encompasses disbelief, belief, sins, and pious acts. All things, pleasant or unpleasant, loved or detested, happen according to His will, predestination, and His creation. So if the cosmic will aims at anything, it surely materializes, with no exception whatsoever.