Egotism/Selfishness (أَثَرَةٌ)
التربية والسلوك
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Favoring one's self or one's relative in worldly benefits over others who are entitled to that benefit or are in need of it.
الشرح المختصر :
"Atharah" is a repugnant attribute, which is also called selfishness. It is being solely concerned with one's own interest and benefit, or one's relatives, while lacking consideration for others, whether they have a right in such a benefit or not, but have a need for it. Selfishness has two forms, which are: 1-Favoring oneself with something and depriving others of it, whether they have a right in it or just need it. 2- Choosing the best of things for one's self and leaving the worst for others. It has many disadvantages for the individual and society, some of which are: 1- It sows envy, hatred, and enmity among the people. 2- It prevents people from enjoying their rights. 3- It harms the deprived ones of their public benefits that should be shared equally. 4- It is a sign of weakness and lack of faith. Human disposition is inclined to selfishness not selflessness; however, there are certain things that can help one to become selfless, such as: 1. Having real interest to acquire noble and high morals, since altruism is among the noblest of morals. 2. Hating the traits of mean people and disliking stinginess. 3. Acknowledging the importance of the rights that Allah has assigned to Muslims on each others.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Atharah": selfishness, taking exclusive possession of something even by the means of oppression. Other meanings: choice. Opposite: "Eethar" (altruism, selflessness).