People of Justice and Monotheism (أصحاب العدل والتوحيد)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
A name the Mu'tazilah Wa`eediyyah Sect (Threatening Mu`tazilites) called themselves with.
الشرح المختصر :
The Mu`tazilah is a group that emerged in Islam during the very beginning of the second century. They adopted a rational methodology in approving religious beliefs. They are the followers of Wasil ibn 'Ataa Al-Ghazzal, the man who abandoned the knowledge circle of Al-Hasan Al-Basri. The Mu'tazilah have many names, and these names fall into two categories: 1- Names they called themselves with, such as: Ahl-ul-'Adl Wat-Tawhid (people of justice and monotheism), intending by "justice" the negation of fate and the belief that man creates his own actions thereby freeing Allah, as they claim, from being associated with evil. By the word "monotheism" they intend negating Allah's attributes. Other names they called themselves are: Al-'Adliyyah, Al-Firqat-un-Najiyah, Ahlul-Haqq, etc. 2- Names that the Ahl-us-Sunnah called them such as: - Al-Majusiyyah and Ath-Thanawiyyah: due to their saying that goodness is from Allah while evil is from the slave. 2- Al-Qadariyyah: due to their negation of fate and their belief that the slave creates his own actions. 3- Makhaaneeth Al-Khawaarij: the reason for this naming was that the Mu'tazilah agreed with the Khawaarij regarding the one who commits a major sin as being in hellfire permenantly, however they dared not declare them disbelievers in this life. 4- Al-Wa`eediyyah, which is a name derived from "wa`d" and “wa`eed", which means that Allah the Almighty is truthful in His promise and threat, thereupon He will not forgive sins except after a repentance. 5- Al-Mu`attilah: who were called so because they deny the reality of the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and also the attributes of Allah the Almighty.