The Verse of the Ten Rights (آيَةُ الحُقُوقِ العَشَرَةِ)
علوم القرآن
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Verse number 36 of Sūrat an-Nisā, which covers ten rights.
الشرح المختصر :
"Ᾱyat al-Huqooq al-‘Ashrah" (the Verse of the Ten Rights) is a verse of Sūrat an-Nisā covering ten rights for Allah and for the people. They are as follows: 1. The right of Allah, the Exalted, which is "Tawheed" (monotheism) untainted with polytheism. 2. The right of the parents, which is treating them kindly in their life and after their death. 3. The right of relatives, whether blood relatives or those by marriage. 4. The right of orphans, which is treating them kindly. 5. The right of the needy, which is to give charity to them. 6. The right of the neighbor who is a relative. 7. The right of the neighbor who is not a relative, whether a believer or not. 8. The right of the companion such as the wife and the intimate friend. 9. The right of the wayfarer, who is the traveler. 10. The right of the slave, whether male or female.