Judaism (الْيَهُودِيَّةُ)
الثقافة والدعوة العقيدة
التعريف :
The religion of the Hebrews, the descendants of Abraham (peace be upon him) and known as the Israelite tribes. God sent them His Messenger, Moses (peace be upon him) and gave him the torah.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
The religion of the Hebrews who are the offsprings of Ibrāhim (Abraham), peace be upon him. They are known as "Al-asbāt" (the descendants) of the Children of Israel. Israel is Ya‘qūb (Jacob), peace be upon him. They claim that they are the followers of Mūsa (Moses), peace be upon him, while they, in fact, distorted the true religion with which he came to them from Allah, the Almighty.
الشرح المختصر :
"Yahoodiyyah" (Judaism): The religion of the Hebrews descending from Ibrāhim, peace be upon him. They are known as the descendants from among the Children of Israel, Ya‘qūb (Jacob), peace be upon him. Allah sent them Mūsa (Moses), peace be upon him, supported with revelation from Allah in order to be a Prophet for them. The Jews belong to the People of the Book, and they adopt a monotheistic belief; this was the origin which their religion was based upon. Afterwards, however, they turned towards worshiping multiple deities and adopted the idea of "tajseem" (anthropomorphism), which led to numerous Prophets being sent to them in order to bring them back to the true monotheism whenever they deviated from the true divinity of Allah. - They adopted a calf as a deity to be worshiped shortly after having left Egypt. - They called their god "Yahwah" (Jehovah). He is not an infallible god; rather, he makes mistakes, becomes angry, and feels regret. He is harsh and intolerant and destroys his people. He is the god of the Children of Israel only; thus, he is an enemy to the rest of humanity. They claim that their god moves in front of a group of the Children of Israel in a pillar made of clouds; far Exalted is Allah above what they say. - They believe that the one who was sacrificed from the children of Ibrāhim (Abraham) was Is-hāq (Isāc), who was the son of Sarah. The truth, however, is that it was Ismā‘il (Ishmael). - There is nothing mentioned in their religion about the resurrection, the eternal abode, and receiving rewards or punishments, except in brief. This is because these ideas are distant from the materialistic way of thinking of the Jews, and due to this, according to them, reward is victory and support, whereas punishment is loss, humiliation, and enslavement. -They believe that they are Allah’s chosen people and that the souls of the Jews are a part of Allah. Far Exalted is Allah above what these people claim. They also believe that the difference between the status of a human and that of an animal is like the difference between the Jews and the non-Jews.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Yahoodiyyah": Judaism. It is derived from the word "hawd", which means repentance and return. It is said that it is a non-Arabic word that is attributed to Yahoodha (Judah), who was one of the descendants of the Children of Israel.