protection (الْوِقَايَةُ)
الفقه التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
To protect something from what causes harm.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Protecting and guarding oneself from harmful things by doing acts of worship and avoiding the prohibitions.
الشرح المختصر :
"Wiqaayah" is a spiritual trait that helps one protect oneself from evil and its people, from Satan and his cunning, and from the soul and its evil desires. Some of Wiqaayah's benefits include: 1. It leads to salvation and helps in achieving one's purpose of the creation. 2. It is a sign of the Muslim's alertness and awareness. 3.It causes the Muslim to fear the punishment of Allah and not to feel secure from His plan. 4. It shortens one's long hope in this life and prepares one for the Hereafter 5.It urges one to avoid self-conceit, arrogance, and other traits that render one’s deeds worthless.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Wiqaayah": means protection and safeguarding. "Taqwa", one derivative of the term, implies protection and saving from something. Other derivatives of the term mean taking precaution, protector, and savior. "Wiqaayah" is derived from an Arabic root that signifies pushing something away from another by something else. The term is also used to mean protection from harm and damage.